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I believe the family to be the first and most important teacher in a child’s life. I encourage strong partnerships and reciprocal communication between families. All parents should feel welcome to be an active participant in their child’s learning and care.


I believe all children are unique individuals. My daily programme is an emerging one based on the interests, needs and skills of individual children and families in my care.


I strive to connect and build close relationships, which enables me to share in the children’s learning and to extend their thinking.


I believe children learn through play, materials, ideas, experiences and interacting with each other. They should be allowed time to discover, explore and have fun, and should always feel safe and secure.



Meerkats are highly social little mammals that live throughout southern Africa. Meerkats share similar behaviour and strive for similar goals as we do at ‘Little Meerkats’.



Little Meerkats...

Learn through play


Need safety and security


Need individual attention



Communicate their needs



Work cooperatively

Need time for solitude and rests



Interact and are team players



Share and Belong to a group

Take risks and Investigate

Socialise with others

Discover and Explore

Are curious and creative

Learn empathy and acceptance

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